Thế anh chọn vợ như thế nào?

Shuji Nakamura kể (2002):

…after completing my 10th year, I was urged to quit the company and so I blew a fuse. I decided to propose the development of blue LED, which I wanted to develop, and if it was impossible then I would resign the company.

As I thought that if I proposed the development plan to my boss, it would go nowhere. So I appealed directly to the company founder… The founder’s name was Mr. Nobuo Ogawa – he was the president at the time, but he died this year. I asked him to let me develop a blue LED, and he just said “OK.” I thought he was either lying or that he thought he wouldn’t need to spend any money on it. So I stuck my neck out and said “We need a budget of several hundred million yen in order to complete the development of blue LED.” He replied “OK.” Moreover, I asked him to permit me to study abroad at Florida University for one year. Again “OK.” Everything was OK in just 5 seconds – it was that easy.

Gerhard Fasol kể:

I asked Chairman Nobuo Ogawa why he had agreed to pay for Shuji Nakamura’s proposed research on GaN blue LEDs, and pay for Shuji Nakamura [to] learn MOCVD at the University of Florida in Professor Ramaswamy’s group. Nobuo Ogawa’s answer: “How did you chose your wife?”

Shuji Nakamura là một trong ba người được giải Nobel về vật lý năm 2014. “Chọn vợ gửi vàng” là như vậy.

3 responses to “Thế anh chọn vợ như thế nào?

  1. Haha ông founder này đặt niềm tin vào đúng người rồi đó giáo sư ạ.

  2. Đúng rồi, mình cũng thế đấy GS Sơn. Tự nhiên có cô hỏi mình, “Anh có lấy em không?” , mình bảo “OK”, thế là sáng hôm sau thành ra người có vợ!

  3. Khi người ta có khả năng nhìn nhận một con người thì mọi tính toán là không cần thiết. Có lẽ đấy mới là phẩm chất làm nên những ông founder.

    Một câu chuyện rất thú vị.

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